-Donate to EncoreKC! Foundation

Donations / Tributes
-Donate to EncoreKC! Foundation
SET YOUR OWN AMOUNT in the Checkout Step of the Shopping Cart. Make a tax deductible Donation to EncoreKC! We set an amount at $50, but you can change it to whatever you feel is appropriate as you check out! $5 - $5000, You Choose!! Any amount is helpful!
And, THANK YOU so much!!!

During checkout you may earmark your donation for certain expenses. May we suggest one of these 4 categories: 1) Scholarships for Members, 2) Instrumentalists, 3) Music Library, and/or 4) Concert Programs

As a donation to the EncoreKC! Foundation, your donation may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax professional. If your employer offers matching funds, your contribution to the EncoreKC! Foundation may qualify. Please consult with your benefits administrator and be sure to inform him/her that the EncoreKC! Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation of the State of Kansas.
Make a Donation to EncoreKC! Foundation
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